Derrick and I took Caroline for her first hair cut on Saturday. She was a CHAMP! No crying, no fidgeting. I hope they are all this easy. Thanks Kimberly!
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
First Hair Cut
Derrick and I took Caroline for her first hair cut on Saturday. She was a CHAMP! No crying, no fidgeting. I hope they are all this easy. Thanks Kimberly!
A Special Life
My Mema passed away last Tuesday. It has taken me the week to really think about and process what an amazing woman she was.
She was raised by her grandfather and three aunts after her parents both died in the flu epidemic in 1919. She was less than a year old. She earned a degree in education and was teaching in Bryan, Texas when she met my grandfather. She loved my grandfather dearly, but he died suddenly when my dad was only three. In a time when it was pretty unusual, she was a single mother to two very young boys.
I imagine that Mema's life was marked by great love and great loss. During her funeral, the preacher read Proverbs 31. I had never thought about it before, but it was a fitting tribute to the life my grandmother led. She was truly to be admired.
Mema suffered a stroke when I was a sophomore in college. She has lived the last 11 years in an assisted living facility. She was still very mentally aware, but was unable to speak well or use her hands. She lived with great frustration daily. I am so thankful that she is now happy and whole and reunited with Tommy in Heaven.
I will miss you Mema, but you have taught me so much. I love you!
She was raised by her grandfather and three aunts after her parents both died in the flu epidemic in 1919. She was less than a year old. She earned a degree in education and was teaching in Bryan, Texas when she met my grandfather. She loved my grandfather dearly, but he died suddenly when my dad was only three. In a time when it was pretty unusual, she was a single mother to two very young boys.
I imagine that Mema's life was marked by great love and great loss. During her funeral, the preacher read Proverbs 31. I had never thought about it before, but it was a fitting tribute to the life my grandmother led. She was truly to be admired.
Mema suffered a stroke when I was a sophomore in college. She has lived the last 11 years in an assisted living facility. She was still very mentally aware, but was unable to speak well or use her hands. She lived with great frustration daily. I am so thankful that she is now happy and whole and reunited with Tommy in Heaven.
I will miss you Mema, but you have taught me so much. I love you!
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
This is the first year I have ever had Christmas lights. I am so excited, and they look beautiful. Thanks Derrick!
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Monday, December 3, 2007
Babies and the Zoo
Aunt Julie had her ultrasound on Saturday. It's a BOY!!!!! That means in May there will be two little boys (Kati and Spencer are also having a boy) and Caroline running around the farm (maybe the boys won't be running yet). What a happy Mother's Day!!
On Sunday we went to a birthday party at the zoo. Caroline seemed to really enjoy walking around and seeing all of the people and animals.

On Sunday we went to a birthday party at the zoo. Caroline seemed to really enjoy walking around and seeing all of the people and animals.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
My Sweet Angel,
I can not believe that this day is here. I have looked forward to it and dreaded it almost equally. It is funny to me that the days that bring me the most joy are also so bittersweet.
You are so big. I am sitting and writing this as I am waiting for your first cinnamon roll to finish cooking so that Daddy and I can wake you and sing "Happy Birthday." Another first of many to come.
We had your first birthday party last weekend. You were on a nap strike for three days and I was really wondering how it was going to go. You were such a trooper. You played and had your picture taken and enjoyed your first hayride. You tore into your little cake. I think it is safe to say that you are my child and LOVE icing.
I can not believe all of the changes that this year has brought. You came to us as a tiny baby; so dependent. You never slept and you cried a lot. Daddy and I caught up on MANY TV shows that we had never watched before. In a year you have become independent and sassy, and finally a good sleeper (except for the occasional nap). You talk all of the time. We have no idea what you are saying, but you are holding conversations with lots of purpose and inflection. It is a hoot. We all just nod and go along with whatever it is that you say. You have a couple of "real" words. You call everyone "daddy", you stand at the back door and say "daw-ee", sometimes you look at me and shake your head and say "neh-neh-neh."
You crawl everywhere, fast. I think you are days away from taking your first steps. You will let go of whatever you are holding on to and stand for a minute, but when you realize what you have done, you sit. You "cruise" around the coffee table, the couch, your toy basket... You have started singing songs to yourself when you are tired or bored. They are precious.
You have become quite the entertainer. gg has a turkey that sings Deck the Halls. You love it and bob your head along with it. You put your hand on your head when we do "5 Little Monkeys." You wave bye like a beauty queen...sometimes I think you are doing it when you are ready to go...pretty smart.
All in all this has been the most wonderful year of my life. You are my joy and my heart. I love you so much sweet girl.
Happy Birthday,
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
First Birthday Party
We had a great time at Caroline's party on Saturday. The weather was perfect and all of the kids (and parents) had a fun time. Thanks Doc and gg for letting us use the farm. It was perfect!
I will email photos to everyone soon.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Our Angel
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Jailhouse Rock
This is a real live policeman giving my mom a real life ticket. I really don't even know what else to say.
Thank you, Thank you very much...
***Edit***He is available for parties. Let me know if you would like his information!
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Please Pray
Sweet Copeland has gone home. Please continue to pray for the Farley's as they go through what I would imagine to be the hardest days yet.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Heavy Heart
I am sitting here tonight with a heavy heart. Just by chance I ran across the blog of an acquaintance from many years ago. Not really even an acquaintance, a family member of some friends of ours. She and her family are in the midst of terrible heartache, as they savor the short time they have been given with the newest member of their family.
I found the sight yesterday and it has not been far from my thoughts today. I pray even as I sit here that our precious Father brings them comfort in these dark days and the ability to find comfort and joy in the moments they are allowed with their daughter. I also pray that the Lord protects their fragile hearts, but allows them to remember each sweet minute they are granted with Copeland.
As my own precious miracle sleeps in the other room, I am reminded of the goodness and faithfulness of our God. Blessings.
I found the sight yesterday and it has not been far from my thoughts today. I pray even as I sit here that our precious Father brings them comfort in these dark days and the ability to find comfort and joy in the moments they are allowed with their daughter. I also pray that the Lord protects their fragile hearts, but allows them to remember each sweet minute they are granted with Copeland.
As my own precious miracle sleeps in the other room, I am reminded of the goodness and faithfulness of our God. Blessings.
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Not sure that this was worthy of a WHOOP from days of old, but Whoop nonetheless!
Gig 'Em Ags!
Gig 'Em Ags!
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Play Group
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
9 months
I have not posted this yet, because I think I have been a little reluctant to even acknowledge the fact that you are 9 whole months old. I can not believe it. It seems like it was just yesterday when Daddy and I were looking at your sweet face on an ultrasound monitor. Now you are here and let me tell you, you are larger than life.
Lately you have absolutely blossomed. You talk all of the time. I am sure that you are having the best conversation with me, but I am completely stumped. You are so animated and emphatic about everything that you "say." You can say a lot of syllables now, but your favorite is "da da." I try to get you to say my name (since I am the one hauling you around all of the time), but to no avail....Da Da Da.....
You crawl everywhere you want to go and you are hearing the "uh-oh" song a lot. You really enjoy getting in to all of the things that are off limits! You have one tooth. It isn't really up yet, but it is poking through little by little. You are almost completely on formula and solid food now. At your 9 month Drs. appointment you weighed 19 pounds and 12 ounces and you are 28 inches long.
A typical day goes like this.
6:30ish you wake up and get in bed with Daddy and me for your first course. We usually play for 30 minutes or so before we get up for breakfast.
7:00 Breakfast. Most mornings you have baby cereal and some toast, or toast and half a banana.
7:30 I put you in your jumparoo to watch your Praise Baby video. YOU LOVE IT! You jump like crazy and squeal at all of the babies.
8:15 ish we play for a little while on the floor. You aren't all that interested in your toys yet. Mostly you are just on the go. You crawl from the living room to the guest room to my bedroom, just to see what is going on.
9:00 Nap time
10- 12 we usually run errands or get ready for a play date with all of your boys.
12:00 lunch. You usually eat baby food at lunch, but I have started giving you grilled cheese or cut up chicken. You really like it when we go out to lunch with friends and you can eat off of my plate. Your favorite so far is guacamole.
2:00 nap
4:00-6:00 Play time. Daddy is usually pretty close to finished for the day by now. We usually all play together or sometimes he will take over so I can have a little time.
6:00 Dinner.
7:00 Whew! Bed time.
Our days are such a whirlwind, and it is all going by so fast. I love you so much sweet girl.
I have not posted this yet, because I think I have been a little reluctant to even acknowledge the fact that you are 9 whole months old. I can not believe it. It seems like it was just yesterday when Daddy and I were looking at your sweet face on an ultrasound monitor. Now you are here and let me tell you, you are larger than life.
Lately you have absolutely blossomed. You talk all of the time. I am sure that you are having the best conversation with me, but I am completely stumped. You are so animated and emphatic about everything that you "say." You can say a lot of syllables now, but your favorite is "da da." I try to get you to say my name (since I am the one hauling you around all of the time), but to no avail....Da Da Da.....
You crawl everywhere you want to go and you are hearing the "uh-oh" song a lot. You really enjoy getting in to all of the things that are off limits! You have one tooth. It isn't really up yet, but it is poking through little by little. You are almost completely on formula and solid food now. At your 9 month Drs. appointment you weighed 19 pounds and 12 ounces and you are 28 inches long.
A typical day goes like this.
6:30ish you wake up and get in bed with Daddy and me for your first course. We usually play for 30 minutes or so before we get up for breakfast.
7:00 Breakfast. Most mornings you have baby cereal and some toast, or toast and half a banana.
7:30 I put you in your jumparoo to watch your Praise Baby video. YOU LOVE IT! You jump like crazy and squeal at all of the babies.
8:15 ish we play for a little while on the floor. You aren't all that interested in your toys yet. Mostly you are just on the go. You crawl from the living room to the guest room to my bedroom, just to see what is going on.
9:00 Nap time
10- 12 we usually run errands or get ready for a play date with all of your boys.
12:00 lunch. You usually eat baby food at lunch, but I have started giving you grilled cheese or cut up chicken. You really like it when we go out to lunch with friends and you can eat off of my plate. Your favorite so far is guacamole.
2:00 nap
4:00-6:00 Play time. Daddy is usually pretty close to finished for the day by now. We usually all play together or sometimes he will take over so I can have a little time.
6:00 Dinner.
7:00 Whew! Bed time.
Our days are such a whirlwind, and it is all going by so fast. I love you so much sweet girl.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
My New Slice (and bake) of Heaven
Derrick and I had nothing to do yesterday afternoon and decided that it would be fun to take a little drive. We ended up at JD's Chippery in Dallas. Oh my goodness....I have NEVER had such fabulous cookies, and I do consider myself a cookie connoisseur. If you are ever in the SMU area, I highly recommend a stop!
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
I hope Caroline learns to love the Fall as much as I do. Long about this time each year I start pining for the first brisk morning. I love to go to the stores and see all of the harvest themed decorations and the rich warm colors. It makes me want to bake and drink coffee and curl up with a book while I burn my favorite Brandied Apple Jack candle. I live in the wrong place for this love affair I have for all things fallish. In Texas we seem to go from hot, sultry summer to icy, arctic blasts with very little in between. Yet, every year I have a conversation with my mom about putting my fall wreath up in mid August. I almost always wait until September 1.
Being a mom has added a whole new dimension to my love of Fall. Caroline and I took a few laps around the mall the other morning. Truly I meant to run into a few stores and walk around "window shopping" the rest of the time. By the time we left I had already spent WAY more than my new stay at home mom salary should allow. I could not stop myself. The baby clothes beckoned and ya'll do you know how cute fall baby clothes are? Pink camo and leopard print tights...need I say more?
I have now obsessively searched ebay for all of the cutest fall dresses. My watch list is a MILE LONG. I really don't think I can stop and I think there may be a need for an intervention. I just want someone to promise me that when they lock me away someone will still look after Caroline's fashion needs! gg, what do you say...promise?
Being a mom has added a whole new dimension to my love of Fall. Caroline and I took a few laps around the mall the other morning. Truly I meant to run into a few stores and walk around "window shopping" the rest of the time. By the time we left I had already spent WAY more than my new stay at home mom salary should allow. I could not stop myself. The baby clothes beckoned and ya'll do you know how cute fall baby clothes are? Pink camo and leopard print tights...need I say more?
I have now obsessively searched ebay for all of the cutest fall dresses. My watch list is a MILE LONG. I really don't think I can stop and I think there may be a need for an intervention. I just want someone to promise me that when they lock me away someone will still look after Caroline's fashion needs! gg, what do you say...promise?
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Eight Months and a Week
Dear Caroline,
I can not believe that you are eight months old. What an eight months it has been. It seems that overnight you have gone from an infant who was really cute, but couldn't respond to a wonderfully interactive and precious baby. I love you so much.
I knew the minute I found out that you were coming that my life would never be the same again. I was so right, and this is so much better. Every morning when I bring you into the "big bed" I thank God for my miracle (okay, so somedays I groan as I thank God). You are absolutely so much more than I could have asked for or imagined.
When we first brought you home, I would look at you with tears streaming from my eyes and wonder out loud that you would never be as small as you were that day. Probably a little bit post I was so sure that the newborn phase would be the best. Yet, everyday has been better than the last!
Now I look at you with those big eyes and that toothless grin and I marvel at the beauty that you are and what you have added to my life. I no longer look at you and feel sadness for what we will be leaving behind. I don't know what tomorrow will bring, but even as I cherish today, I look forward to all of the firsts that we will share.
What a blessing you are in my life!
I love you,
Man Eater Part II
Our friends Amy and Jack came over for dinner Monday night. Caroline seems to be a bit aggressive for Jack. Caroline was so excited that she would crawl over to him get right in his face and scream. She really just wants all the friends she can get. Maybe we are going to have to have a few lessons in playing hard to get!!!

Mommy, I am not sure about this girl!
Mommy, I am not sure about this girl!
She's A Man Eater...
Sunday we went to our monthly get together with my mom's group. We have such a good time watching the babies (and the husbands) play. Caroline is no longer the only girl in the group, but she seems to be catching at least one of the boy's eyes! We love you Christian.
Helloooo Baby...
Caption This...
Amy and I went to July's Mother's Club Dinner. During which, Caroline - being the social butterfly that she is - decided to talk with Christian.

Though he wasn't sure of what to do at first, he started to warm up to Caroline...

But, Christian warmed up a little too much.

And Caroline decided she had had enough...

But Christian would not be deterred and started to get a little too aggressive for Caroline's taste.

We are not sure what to expect at the next Mother's Club Dinner - but we will be watching him... :)
p.s. Obviously we aren't worried about this yet - especially because we are planning to enroll Caroline in karate next week.
p.p.s. Amy had nothing to do with this post.

We are not sure what to expect at the next Mother's Club Dinner - but we will be watching him... :)
p.s. Obviously we aren't worried about this yet - especially because we are planning to enroll Caroline in karate next week.
p.p.s. Amy had nothing to do with this post.
Monday, July 30, 2007
Her First Crawl
This is out of order - the video was taken the day after she started crawling, but I have been getting many requests for the video. Hopefully this works...
Sunday, July 29, 2007
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