My Sweet Angel,
I can not believe that this day is here. I have looked forward to it and dreaded it almost equally. It is funny to me that the days that bring me the most joy are also so bittersweet.
You are so big. I am sitting and writing this as I am waiting for your first cinnamon roll to finish cooking so that Daddy and I can wake you and sing "Happy Birthday." Another first of many to come.
We had your first birthday party last weekend. You were on a nap strike for three days and I was really wondering how it was going to go. You were such a trooper. You played and had your picture taken and enjoyed your first hayride. You tore into your little cake. I think it is safe to say that you are my child and LOVE icing.
I can not believe all of the changes that this year has brought. You came to us as a tiny baby; so dependent. You never slept and you cried a lot. Daddy and I caught up on MANY TV shows that we had never watched before. In a year you have become independent and sassy, and finally a good sleeper (except for the occasional nap). You talk all of the time. We have no idea what you are saying, but you are holding conversations with lots of purpose and inflection. It is a hoot. We all just nod and go along with whatever it is that you say. You have a couple of "real" words. You call everyone "daddy", you stand at the back door and say "daw-ee", sometimes you look at me and shake your head and say "neh-neh-neh."
You crawl everywhere, fast. I think you are days away from taking your first steps. You will let go of whatever you are holding on to and stand for a minute, but when you realize what you have done, you sit. You "cruise" around the coffee table, the couch, your toy basket... You have started singing songs to yourself when you are tired or bored. They are precious.
You have become quite the entertainer. gg has a turkey that sings Deck the Halls. You love it and bob your head along with it. You put your hand on your head when we do "5 Little Monkeys." You wave bye like a beauty queen...sometimes I think you are doing it when you are ready to go...pretty smart.
All in all this has been the most wonderful year of my life. You are my joy and my heart. I love you so much sweet girl.
Happy Birthday,
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