We have had quite a busy day. This morning we braved a monsoon to enjoy a Father's Day breakfast at one of our favorite restaurants. It was so GROSS outside. I took this picture from inside the car. Caroline was so good and several people stopped and commented on how cute she was and told Derrick, "Happy Father's Day." Sometimes people are so nice!

After lunch and a much needed nap (Caroline wanted to wish Derrick Happy Father's Day at 5:00 a.m.) we went to visit my Mema. Caroline was really good and Mema enjoys her so much.

We had to end the afternoon with a quick photo session in the front yard.

I have been very mindful today of what a gift my family is. Derrick and I have waited a long time to be able to celebrate Mother's Day and Father's Day. What a blessing Caroline is to us. Hope you had a good day, honey. Love you!
Hey Amy! I'm so glad you have a blog now. Caroline is precious and I know how proud you are to be her mom! I look forward to keeping up with you now. It was so good to see you this weekend.
Sweet girl!
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