Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Eight Months and a Week

Dear Caroline,
I can not believe that you are eight months old. What an eight months it has been. It seems that overnight you have gone from an infant who was really cute, but couldn't respond to a wonderfully interactive and precious baby. I love you so much.

I knew the minute I found out that you were coming that my life would never be the same again. I was so right, and this is so much better. Every morning when I bring you into the "big bed" I thank God for my miracle (okay, so somedays I groan as I thank God). You are absolutely so much more than I could have asked for or imagined.

When we first brought you home, I would look at you with tears streaming from my eyes and wonder out loud that you would never be as small as you were that day. Probably a little bit post partum...no? I was so sure that the newborn phase would be the best. Yet, everyday has been better than the last!

Now I look at you with those big eyes and that toothless grin and I marvel at the beauty that you are and what you have added to my life. I no longer look at you and feel sadness for what we will be leaving behind. I don't know what tomorrow will bring, but even as I cherish today, I look forward to all of the firsts that we will share.

What a blessing you are in my life!

I love you,

Daddy, look what I can do...

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Man Eater Part II

Our friends Amy and Jack came over for dinner Monday night. Caroline seems to be a bit aggressive for Jack. Caroline was so excited that she would crawl over to him get right in his face and scream. She really just wants all the friends she can get. Maybe we are going to have to have a few lessons in playing hard to get!!!

Mommy, I am not sure about this girl!

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She's A Man Eater...

Sunday we went to our monthly get together with my mom's group. We have such a good time watching the babies (and the husbands) play. Caroline is no longer the only girl in the group, but she seems to be catching at least one of the boy's eyes! We love you Christian.

Helloooo Baby...

How you doin?

I will kiss your feet

and I will let you...

***Edit*** Obviously I did not check the blog to see that Derrick had already added these pictures. Clearly, we share a brain :)
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Caption This...

Amy and I went to July's Mother's Club Dinner. During which, Caroline - being the social butterfly that she is - decided to talk with Christian.

Though he wasn't sure of what to do at first, he started to warm up to Caroline...

But, Christian warmed up a little too much.

And Caroline decided she had had enough...

But Christian would not be deterred and started to get a little too aggressive for Caroline's taste.

We are not sure what to expect at the next Mother's Club Dinner - but we will be watching him... :)

p.s. Obviously we aren't worried about this yet - especially because we are planning to enroll Caroline in karate next week.

p.p.s. Amy had nothing to do with this post.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Her First Crawl

This is out of order - the video was taken the day after she started crawling, but I have been getting many requests for the video. Hopefully this works...

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Just a Swingin'

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Thursday, July 26, 2007

Oh So Busy....

Well, a lot has been going on here in Caroline's house...

We are FINALLY mobile. Never one to do things half way, Caroline is crawling, pulling up and sitting totally on her own now. I am afraid that life may never be the same again...

In addition to all of this new found freedom, we also had a very important wedding to attend. Congratulations Aunt Julie and Uncle Brian. We love you. Pictures coming soon.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Happy Anniversary!

Not sure how I missed it Tuesday, but Happy 10th Anniversary of our first date! I love you!

Monday, July 9, 2007

Home Again Home Again Jiggity Jog!

Whew! That should catch me up for a while. We are all home safe and sound and Caroline is sleeping soundly. She took a two and a half hour nap this morning when we got home from the airport. So, I pray that she continues to sleep soundly and that she has sweet dreams in her very own bed in her very pink room! Goodnight!

Friends Forever!

I am sure that in some yearbook somewhere one of us has written "best friends forever". It kind of feels like that. Janice and I had a great visit. We decided it has been six years since we have seen each other, and I am sure that we have not talked in the last two. I feel so blessed to have a friendship like yours. I love that we can just pick up where we left off.

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Seeing Family

The purpose of our trip was to celebrate Caroline's great-grandfather's 90th birthday. Grandpa had not met Caroline before and had not seen Derrick in many years. He was so excited to see everyone. Loretta did a great job of keeping our visit a surprise. Granma, Granpa and Aunt Lisa and Russ also met us in Albuquerque for the visit. We had such a great time. The weather was great!!!

Caroline and Aunt Lisa
Caroline and Granma

Daddy and Caroline

Four Generations
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Off We Go, Into the Wild Blue Yonder

What an adventure traveling with an infant is....interesting? After Derrick and I both got up around 4:30 a.m. we began to get everything ready to set out on our first trip with Caroline. Good thing we couldn't sleep, she decided to get up at 5:00. After loading what felt like everything we own into the car, we were off to the airport a full 2 hours before our flight. Thanks Derrick!! Caroline was so good on the plane. She looked out the window or played with the kids behind us nearly the entire flight. Thank you Lord that Derrick flies often enough that we were able to ride first class. What a lucky girl!!!

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Happy July 4th!

I am a little behind on the blog! We had a great time at Doc and gg's for July 4th. We got to the farm early and had time to go shopping (and to Wal-Mart for a stroller) before lunch. We were the party poopers and had to get home to pack for our first airplane trip with Caroline...Can you see the stress on my face? Thanks for the fun day gg. We got home and for the 1st time in 30 years, I did not watch fireworks. I was so bummed (but thanks to someone in the neighborhood, I was able to hear the popping at 3:30 a.m.).

Congratulations Uncle Spencer on passing your boards. I am sure this was truly Independence Day for you!

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