Monday, June 23, 2008

Cute Pics

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Who Needs Disney when you have This Animal Kingdom

Snake found by the side of the house

Spider in the Garage: Before

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Ask and Ye Shall Receive

I didn't really think we would be able to put the patio in (and by we, I mean Derrick). But, LOOK!!! We had the flagstone delivered on Saturday, and in two days Derrick was able to get all of the granite leveled and quite a few stones laid. Thanks for helping tonight, Dad!

**By the way, the gutters are clean now too. Just need to get the playhouse out.
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Thursday, June 19, 2008

Growing Up Is Hard To Do

Well, we survived night number one with no paci. I have struggled with this. In some ways I would love to keep my baby as long as possible, but I know that the growing up has to happen eventually. As I sat listening to her cry last night I thought I would cry too. I knew what to do to make it all better, but I knew that waiting was the right thing to do.

I think that is how it is with us and God sometimes. He knows how to make it all better and I believe He really wants to make it better, but sometimes waiting is the right answer. Funny how parenting somehow brings these little insights into life with our Father.

Blessings Today!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Before and After


BooMama is hosting a before and after. WooHoo!!!! An excuse to get my rear in gear! I think I will be working on two...oh yes, two different projects. Derrick's "office" is a terrible excuse for a room right now, and if it is not too cost prohibitive, I think the backyard is in for a MAJOR overhaul. So here are the goals

Derrick's Office
1. Completely clean out
2. reorganize closet
3. reorganize bookshelves
4. find some kind of desk/chair that he likes
5. Repaint?

1. Clean gutters
2. Remove playhouse
3. Remove concrete
4. fix drainage problems

I don't think gutters are supposed to grow things?

What a mess!

This is just one corner of the office. Just imagine this all the way around!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Saturday, June 14, 2008

It's Lonely Out Tonight


Why does it always seem like it would be a good idea to send Derrick and Caroline away on the same weekend? I thought I was needing a little "Mommy Time." Derrick is bachelor partying this weekend and I REALLY needed to have a garage sale so that we could maybe see the floor of the garage sometime in the foreseeable future. Somehow a hot and sticky day + garage sale + toddler did not sound like a whole lot of fun. So I packed Caroline up and sent her to the farm for the weekend.

I cried. What is wrong with me...sweet freedom for 48 hours and I cry? I have called my mom and dad three times to check on her today. I have been assured every time that she is fine (except for a skinned knee, her first) and having a wonderful time. I MISS MY SIDE KICK!

So in order to burn some of this restless energy, yesterday I painted a bathroom cabinet and bought new baskets. Today I have set up and taken down a garage sale, worked on the cabinet, made myself dinner, finished a book, taken a nap and started sugar cookies to take for Father's Day tomorrow. I am still to wound up to go to sleep. CRAZY!!!

Tomorrow I plan to go to church, finish the cabinet, bake and ice the sugar cookies all before 1:00. If I don't collapse from exhaustion, I should be able to kiss that little girl silly in about 13 hours. WooHoo!