Friday, February 29, 2008

Dear Caroline,

I turned around this morning and realized that I don't have a baby anymore. I don't know where the last 15 months have gone, but you have gone from being a teeny tiny baby to being such an independent and happy toddler. You are the light of your Daddy's and My life. We love you so much.

You have spent most of the winter fighting off a cold or an ear infection, but it hasn't slowed you down too much. When we went for your well check this week you were 23 lbs and almost 31 inches. How can that be? You are talking up a storm these days. For the most part, I have no idea what you are saying, but you are getting pretty good at parroting what I say too. You say Ma ma (finally), Da da, Doc, ga ga (gg), cheese, dat (that), dis (this), dawee (doggy) and baa (bath). You can make a cow sound, an elephant sound, roar like a lion and say eeow for the kitten.

You understand a lot. When I ask you a question, lots of times you say "Yeah!!!" A couple of times lately when I said night-night, you took my finger and your lovey and walked to your bed. You are a hoot.

I took you to sign up for preschool yesterday. I was so ambivalent. When I saw you walk in and start playing with the toys and when I saw your big eyes looking at all of the action, I knew it was the right thing to do. I think you will feel like such a big girl in the fall.

I hear you screaming in your room now, so I guess you aren't going to take your nap yet. I better go and rescue you.

I love you sweet girl,


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