This was the morning of preschool orientation...the day didn't get much better.
It is the best of times, it is the worst of times... Oh (almost) Two, you are the most wonderful age so far. You are also the most defiant, strong-willed and challenging yet. We have tried to tame you with time-out, but to little avail. You are a sneaky one. I am sure it was you, Two that compelled my precious child to look in my eyes while reaching into the candy jar that had already been the object of a conflict. Two, I am sure it was your hand that boldy put that candy corn in my darling's mouth as her dad and I said "no". Two, I am also sure that it was you that persuaded my little angel to utter, "Ummmmm, yummy!" as I was walking away from the time-out corner. Two, you are going to kill me!
I am laughing out loud right now! Only because TWO visited our home frequently as well. It's like having a hormonal preschooler. I feel your pain, sister! Hang in there!!
This is too funny! Oh, but wait for Three. It's pretty "fun", too!
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