BooMama is hosting a before and after. WooHoo!!!! An excuse to get my rear in gear! I think I will be working on two...oh yes, two different projects. Derrick's "office" is a terrible excuse for a room right now, and if it is not too cost prohibitive, I think the backyard is in for a MAJOR overhaul. So here are the goals
Derrick's Office
1. Completely clean out
2. reorganize closet
3. reorganize bookshelves
4. find some kind of desk/chair that he likes
5. Repaint?
1. Clean gutters
2. Remove playhouse
3. Remove concrete
4. fix drainage problems
I don't think gutters are supposed to grow things?
What a mess!
This is just one corner of the office. Just imagine this all the way around!
Cute blog and your cake decorating is coming along nicely! :)
I love the pic of your little one in the header :) We recently redid our office and my goal for BooMama's is the backyard! Come on over! Good luck with your list!
Good luck with your list. Sounds like plenty of work to keep you guys going. :)
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