Thursday, June 14, 2007

First Post

This is actually picture #3. When she is finished, she just rolls over

This should be the first picture. She is actually on all fours!!!

Here is dad trying to prod her along.

This is my new idea to help everyone keep up with what is going on in our world! We'll see how well I can manage to stay current.

Caroline is doing a really great job of sitting up, but she refuses to crawl!!! In fact Derrick and I were trying to entice her with toys yesterday and instead of crawling or scooting toward the toys, she pulled the toys to her with her and maybe a little lazy. Here are some pictures of our efforts today. Lots of rolling, and hanging out with dad. Not so much crawling. Oh well, I guess the longer she stays put the better for me...

OK, so this is my first post and I didn't really get the pictures in quite how I wanted them. Hope I'll get better with practice.

1 comment:

Jill said...

YAY! I am so excited that you have joined the blogging world! Love the pictures of Caroline - she has grown up so much since I've seen her. What a beauty she is - just like her mommy!